Tag: Christopher Burkett

Foto Forest: Photographic Selections by Bernheim Artists in Residence


JIMMY FIKE Mock Strawberry


The Louisville Photo Biennial may officially be over, but there are still some great LPB exhibits up in and around town.  You can see my work in LVA’s Louisville Photo Biennial exhibit Altered Perceptions at Mayor Greg Fischer’s gallery at Metro Hall until January 18th, 2018.

from my latest series phyto- + -graphy, Collected@Bernheim, multi paneled, aluminum aged with plant specimens.


You can also take a trip down 1-65 south to beautiful Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest and see the photo biennial show I’m not only featured in, but one I also curated in my new role as Bernheim’s Visual Art Coordinator!

FOTO FOREST: Photographic Selections by Bernheim Artists in Residence is on view at the Education Center until December 29th so you still have lots of time to see this exhibit and get a hike in before the new year!

EILEEN NEFF Field Tops at Night


For more than three decades, the Artist in Residence program has attracted artists from around the world who seek to use Bernheim as their inspiration and to explore ideas that reinforce Bernheim’s mission of connecting people with nature.

from ALUMINATURE series, ‘Natural Mystic‘, Digital Image Transfers and Oil Paint on Aged Aluminum with Plant Specimens.


Photography as an artistic medium has a long-standing history in the Artist in Residence program at Bernheim.  But as the photographic medium has changed over the years, so has artistic interpretation of the landscape changed with photography.  FOTO FOREST is an exhibition that celebrates unique and diverse interpretations of the Bernheim landscape.

Nothing, in the World #3145, Abstracted nature photograph by Irene Imfeld




Visitors can enjoy photographs from artists Eileen Neff, Jimmy Fike, Nori Hall and Christopher Burkett, as well as highlights from Bernheim’s 2017 Artists in Residence Sharon Harper and Irene Imfeld. The exhibition is located in Bernheim’s Education Center.  In December the Education Center will be open 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on weekends.  This exhibit is free of charge. The $5 weekend environmental impact fee still applies at the gate for non-members.

from ALUMINIATURE series, ‘Magnolia Blossoms for Days’, Digital Images Transfers and Oil Paint on Custom-Made Aluminum Substrate